I got word back from both Blackwood Land Institute and Koinonia, Cath from Blackwood said “let’s talk” which seems to mean that she has something for me there, or some other ideas. Ann, the hospitality director at Koinonia said that i could start my internship there Sept 11 and stay till after Christmas. Then I would probably go on to NYC to live with my sister until I find a job. What to do? My sense is to get a wiggle on and just get to Georgia. If I stay here, I would be just killing time at Blackwood in order to do a show at Unity Theater (not even sure they haven’t found another musical director yet). All of that time could be spent getting oriented and settled in NYC. Of course, I have such strong attachments to Unity, I would love to work there once more before I leave Texas. Not to mention the fact that there may not be another time in my life where I am able to meander around the country like this. Would I be closing myself off to other potential adventures if I sign into life in the big apple sooner?
what do you think?
Dude…you said it yourself…”there may not be another time in my life where i am able to meander around the country like this…”
WTF are you waiting for? Funny, but I watched “Field of Dreams” last night. I had never seen it. Awesome film. If you haven’t seen it, you should. Then ask yourself…
May the Spirit guide you.
I have never seen that movie, maybe I will get it soon!
You are right. Taking off.